Untitled-5Melambai lambai… Nyiur di pantai… Berbisik bisik… Raja Kelana…

Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

Thus, this is the beautiful lyrics of a song titled as “Rayuan Pulau Kelapa” created by Ismail Marzuki. 2/3 of Indonesia width or about 480.647 kilometers is maritime and since long time, the Indonesian ancestors have been known as an pioneer in the mid­dle of the ocean, dividing the sea crossing the continent. And when return to the homeland bringing million of souvenirs and welfare for family. Several months in a sea then reunite with the family is a moment loaded with val­ue of togetherness.

Part of Arecaceae family, species of Cocos genus. Coconut tree is similar to a palm tree with a straight trunk that is much more ver­satile and having important function since prehistoric period. Every part of the coconut tree has benefits for humans so it is referred to as the Tree of Life.

Together with his oldest boy, a father cut down a coconut tree and made the sky tower trunks with high density as the pillars sup­porting the house, making windows, doors, even the house’s floor. Coconut tree with me­dium density used to make the walls, ceilings and beams, while the low density used in the manufacture of non-load bearing such as wood paneling, internal trim, as well as household ap­pliances.

In addition as a mate­rial for building house struc­ture, coconut trunk used as material for design exterior and for applications such as entrance or gate. Coco­nut trunk is also used as raw material in papermaking by making the extracts for the manufacture of paper pulp.

Cocofiber, not fully uti­lized before and it is estimated that Indone­sia lost potential rev­enue from cocofiber reaching IDR 13 Trillion per year with the assumption that the production of coconuts in Indonesia reached 15 billion fruit per year and only about 480 million fruits or about 3.2% of its newly exploited.

BACA JUGA :  Hilang Sejak Lebaran, Lansia Penderita Stroke Ditemukan di Dalam Sumur

In every coconut fruit produces an aver­age of 0.15 kilograms cocofiber and coco peat as much as 0.39 kilograms. With a selling of coco fiber around IDR 2.000 – 2.500 per kilogram and IDR 1.000 – 1.500 per kilogram for coco peat in in the local market, the two cocos must do a very long trip passing their first buyer, until finally ar­rive in another continent, in major cities in Europe. Cocofiber will be processed again as upholstery materials for those formidable engined cars of German production.

The chosen cocofiber has traveled around the globe, while the remaining will be used the organic planting media and as the cookware cleaner in the kitchens of vil­lagers in the remote areas or in the fishing villages.

What about the coconut leaf? The se­lected young leaves will be used as janur or the stringging young coconut leaf as decora­tion of a traditional ceremony, as a wrapping traditional food for rice in Indonesia usually served on special occasions such as Idul Fitri and Idul Adha. Eid is incomplete without ketupat, chicken curry and stew meat and vegetable in rich coconut milk made by mother.

Old coconut leaves, can be used as a wo­ven material for the manufacture of roofs and walls of traditional houses. While the dried coconut leaves can also be used as an ingredi­ent for the manufacture of woven mats, hats, bags, and various types of handicrafts. Many of us do not know if coconut leaf is the favor­ite food of elephants.

Do not throw the stick of coconut leaf when collected in a single bond, they can be used as a broom cleaning the room or special broom for cleaning the yard.

From the tip to the roots of a coconut trunk, coconut tree provides benefits to hu­man life; coconut root is commonly used as natural dye and manufacture material of toothbrushes. By consuming boiled water of coconut roots that has been filtered, it is believed to cure a variety of diseases asso­ciated with digestion. Coconut roots can be used as a structure of the building due to its strong structure. Indonesian society nor­mally plants coconut trees believed to be an antidote against the flood.

BACA JUGA :  Jelang Pensiun Wali Kota Bogor, Bima Arya Tinjau Dua Rumah Penerima RTLH

Young coconut water is very beneficial for our health; as a natural cleanser for the kidneys, electrolyte balance in the body. Able to heal burns, eliminate acne and scar, clean the amniotic fluid, preventing gray hair and prevent dehydration.

It feels very good while sipping coconut water from the heat. With the addition of co­copandan syrup and ice cubes and young co­conut meat that has been shredded, coconut ice drinks become a favorite thirst release during the fasting month. The benefit con­tained in water of green coconut is for the human body health. The content of tannins and an antidote (antivenom) is very high and also contain enzymes that can break down the toxic nature in the human body. Lauric acid contained in green coconut water is useful for a pregnant woman and her fetus.

Cocount meat is used as in various types of processed foods, as the manufacture of co­conut oil. Additionally, coconut oil is a good conditioner for the hair as well. The use of coconut oil on the hair can make the hair be­comes softer and smoother.

Cocont shell is used as charcoal for cook­ing, craft materials such as carving, spoon, scoop, and others. Coconut shells can be treated as a cigarette filter, absorbing harm­ful gases, purify fermented CO2.

As the tree of life, palm trees are part of nature that become the foundation for local wisdom if used well as given by nature.
