Untitled-11Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

Arts and culture is a bond that can not be separated and have a very close relationship with one another. Human have such values and God will lead to make it perfect as masterpiece because hu­man want to achieve the highest goal in their works. Marco Cassani was born in Milan, Italia in 1981. This young Artist studied in Brera Academy of Art, Milan. At this time Marco works and lives both in Italy and Indonesia, the country of his beloved wife.

Cassani is a dynamism and an hon­est exotism artist if this could be used as material for those who are not easy to interpret what is inside of his mind when he shows his naked photographs with several Asian women who dressed up properly enough in some scenes of picture.

BACA JUGA :  Bejat, Pria di Pandeglang Perkosa Gadis Disabilitas Hingga Hamil 6 Bulan

It was at Vivi Yip Art, Jakarta Marco came to Jakarta for his exhibition from July 1-9th, 2010. After he produced live streaming video on December 2, 2012, Marco held Art exhibition with the title “Destroy the head”. Indonesia gives Marco abundant idea to explore and from the beginning he was always keen on to elevate men and their behavior to be his work’s object. In his Chance proj­ect in Bandung, a total of 200 scupltures offered his own head to be crushed by all the guests invited in which the per­formance was documented using sur­veillance cameras (CCTV) all the time and broadcasted live ober the internet. Demolition also implied the destruction of the sanctuty of artists and works of art that have been (considered) to have high position.
