Untitled-14Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

Sunni Islam is a denomination of Islam which holds that the Islamic prophet Muham­mad’s proper successor as Caliph.

Unimaginable if I would meet with one of the descendants of the Great Imam Al-Bukhari, Friday 15 July 2016 after my valuable visit to The Mausoleum Imam Al-Bukhari in the old town of Samarqand, Uzbekistan in last November. Meeting with the 26th descent to Imam Al-Bukhari eliminating the impression of rumors about the two Islamic sects that developed in Persia, the beautiful land that had been generating a lot of great Imam in the Islamic world. Imam Abdul Razagh Rahbar is Sunni, around 60 years and is the high priest of the Grand Mosque in Agh Gla city where he resides, the fa­mous Golestan province with its very friendly locals among 30 oth­er provinces in Iran.

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Imam Abdul Razagh has the similar posture to his great great grandfather, Imam Al-Bukhari and he is a very friendly and insightful moderate person. He allowed me to sit and talk without any special rules applied as usual. He is really an Imam who is “low profile” de­spite having 15,000 people every Jum’ah in his Mosque in Agh Gla city. Imam visited several cities in Indonesia in order to strengthen Islam among the Moslems in the world.

Golesan Province is one of the 31 provinces of Iran, located in the north-east of the country south of the Caspian Sea. Its capital is Gor­gan. Golestan was split off from the province of Mazandaran in 1997. It has a population of 1.7 million (2011) and an area of 20,380 km².

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Golestan derives its name from a wider region known historically as Gorgan, Middle Persian Gurgn, and Old Persian Varkana ( in the Be­histun Inscription) meaning “land of wolves”. Until these days, wild wolves are still found in Golestan.

Human settlements in this area date back to 10 000 BCE. Evidence of the ancient city of Jorjan can still be seen near the current city of Gonbad-e Kavus. It was an impor­tant city of Persia located on the Silk Road.

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