A9-30-062016-artNia S. Amira
[email protected]

So then after several times visiting Belgium both for study and vaca­tion, I can say, the country’s spring season is the best time to enjoy a fresh pan Belgian fries with its super tasty Mayonaise sauce. Perhaps God came to give finishing touch every time when someone was about ready to disseminate the sauce. No one willingly allow you to lick her last mayonaise sauce on her French fries plate. Actually, Belgian cuisine is influenced by its neighboring countries such as France, Germany, and The Netherlands. Some­times we can say Belgian fod is served in quantity of German cuisine but with the quality French food. Apart from the food, Belgium is best known for its chocolate, waffles, and beer.

BACA JUGA :  Menu Sederhana dengan Tumis Ayam dan Wortel yang Lezat dan Praktis

Belgians typically eat three meals a day; a light breakfast of healthy fresh bread, light or medium-sized lunch and a large dinner. Traditionally, Belgian cuisine prizes region­al and seasonal ingredients, includes the po­tatoes, leeks, grey shrimp, white asparagus, endives and a local beer, in addition to com­mon European staples such as meat, cheese and butter.

Belgium has a plethora of dishes and products that are local to a specific area. Like for example waterzooi from Ghent, the couque from Dinant, and tarte au riz from Verviers. Most such dishes are enjoyed throughout Belgium.

BACA JUGA :  Rendang Ayam Kampung, Menu Lezat untuk Santapan Keluarga Tercinta

It was the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century who brought back the potatoes from South America and today the potatoes are grown almost every where around the world. In the 17th century, during harsh winters as the river Meuse in Belgium would freeze and not allowing the locals to get the small fishes they used to, the people from Dinant, Namur region, Andenne, and Huy in Wallonia (French Speaking part in Bel­gium) would cut the potatoes in the shape of fish and fry them.
