Untitled-15Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

Not only the Sundanese girls who are called as neng geulis; selop geulis (adorable sandal for party) and the umbrella is made to make the look of the pretty Sundanese girl shall be more prettier (read: Geulis = beautiful /pretty). If normal um­brellas can protect us from the big shower (rain), this adorable umbrel­la only can protect us from the heat, as this beautiful umbrella was made by wooden with its cover only made by paper with floral painting, and now also with floral designs that are used on certain motif of Batik.

BACA JUGA :  Timnas Indonesia Menang Tipis 0-1 Lawan Australia

Payung Geulis is the icon of Ta­sikmalaya city in West Java which are endangered. Around 1926 pa­yung geulis was the favorite acces­sories to young Dutch women who at that time were very fond to bring along their adorable umbrella when they were in vacation during the weekends in the cities they live in West Java area. Payung geulis had its glory from 1955 to 1968. And that golden years was gradually de­clined and manufactured umbrellas from overseas came into the coun­try after the government adopted an open economic policy in 1968 and giving the impact on the de­struction of the craft industry local­ly. The handicraft business began to shine again since 1980s, although in small quantities.
