Untitled-5Not only the Sunda­nese girls who are called as neng geulis; selop geulis (adorable sandal for party) and the um­brella is made to make the look of the pretty Sundanese girl shall be more prettier (read: Geulis = beautiful /pretty). If normal umbrellas can protect us from the big shower (rain), this adorable umbrella only can protect us from the heat, as this beautiful umbrella was made by wooden with its cover only made by paper with floral paint­ing, and now also with floral designs that are used on certain motif of Batik.

Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

Payung Geulis is the icon of Tasikmalaya city in West Java which are endangered. Around 1926 payung geulis was the fa­vorite accessories to young Dutch women who at that time were very fond to bring along their adorable umbrella when they were in vacation during the weekends in the cities they live in West Java area. Payung geulis had its glory from 1955 to 1968. And that golden years was gradually declined and manufactured umbrellas from overseas came into the country after the government ad­opted an open economic policy in 1968 and giving the impact on the destruction of the craft industry locally. The handicraft business began to shine again since 1980s, although in small quantities.

BACA JUGA :  Rendang Ayam Kampung, Menu Lezat untuk Santapan Keluarga Tercinta

Behind of its beautiful looks, the process of making this ador­able umbrella depends on the sun, the frame is made of bam­boo. Once assembled and fitted the cloth and the paper, then trimmed umbrella using starch glue. A color is given to the um­brellas and painted with floral patterns. All the process is done manually except the umbrella’s handles which were made by us­ing the machines.

BACA JUGA :  8 Kebiasaan Pagi yang Sederhana Bantu Bikin Bahagia dan Produktif Setiap Hari, Jangan Lupa Diterapkan

Although only a few people who still preserve payung geulis, like Mak Cicih, the wife of the late Sahrod and her in-laws, where the umbrella is not only limited in the country, but has crossed the globe to Japan, France, and America. The umbrellas with a wide range of very beautiful colors can be used as home decoration, shops decoration, even offices decora­tion, sold at prices ranging from IDR 50,000 to IDR 75,000. Pa­yung Geulis is really beautiful and the look of Indonesian women wearing traditional fabric and ke­baya shall not be perfect without taking payung geulis along with them. Payung Geulis is worth to your collection.
