35Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

Culture is the result of thought, creativity and man’s work and art is one of the elements of culture that grows and develops in human life as a composer and connoisseur of art. Art itself has an aesthetic value preferred by humans and con­tain ideas in the form of activity or appearance.

Through the art, we can get the pleasure from the reflection of feelings. The process of artistic creation which has a special char­acteristic such uniqueness, indi­vidual, expressive where a work is an outpouring of the inner of idea’s description, universal for artworks can be enjoyed by all levels of soci­ety, and survival or something can last a long due the value of an art work that can be enjoyed all time if its aesthetic value is consistent.

It is really true that art has a very high spiritual value in human life.

Initially, Juwanita Tri Hartini (35) created the crafts for her ownself and has been creating a wide variety of accessories children and women as well as for her closest friends. Many of her friends said her cre­ations were good and marketable, Nita, mother of Zahra and wife of M. Anas Setyo was challenged to devel­op herself in the arts of crafting that has been doing since she was teens.

BACA JUGA :  Wajib Coba! Semur Ayam Saus Tiram yang Lezat untuk Menu Makan Bareng Keluarga

Nita spent her childhood in hot town called Gresik with her two best friends, Mirna and Wanti and later they met again in the capital, and finally established Indonesia Moth­er & Child Group (incimo) which serves as a forum for young mothers that have talents and high creativity to develop the art of crafting and fashion into something that may be hopeful for life and a supplement for family’s economy.

Incimo founded by Wanti and Mirna, continuously mentoring in SMEs. Experienced in garment pro­duction, Incimo has been mentoring some micro and small enterprises in Cileungsi, Depok to some amazing women in Depok, West Java to pro­duce and deliver a quality products and can be able to compete with va­riety of well-known names.

In their work, Incimo under leiandkei has concern and com­mitment in the development of children and families in Indonesia. Through a variety of positive activi­ties, incimo is as a bridge to a small Indonesian family to become a healthy family, understanding, and care for others.

BACA JUGA :  Resep Membuat Donburi Ayam Krispi untuk Menu Makan Andalan Keluarga

It was a bit hot that Saturday in Depok, and Nita has been busy since the morning, training some productive women in art of craft­ing; like making headbands and clothes accessories for children from secondhand materials. From some women who attended her training program, there was a 60 year old woman who has been participating in the training. This cheerful grand-mother feels very grateful that she can still do some­thing positive in creativity so that every month she can earn some­thing for her own life.

Nita’s golden hands changed used materials that are not worth into a wide variety of goods which are very beautiful, charming and high value needed by children. Ni­ta’s creation has a brand name The Moza and it stands for her husband and daughter’s name. It has already special place in a classy shopping malls in Indonesia and overseas.

Sharing the treasure will be finished in a mo­ment, but sharing knowl­edge will always be beneficial to many people and especial­ly for the amazing women who always want to move for­ward together. Life is so wonderful.

Bagi Halaman