Untitled-4Women who reside in Bogor Regency need to be proud that they have Hj. Nurhayanti as the first Regent woman in Bogor Regency. Like R.A. Kartini who was the pioneer of emancipation of Indigenous Indonesian women, Nurhayanti who in every morning doing the exercises and al­ways has the time to greet her people who give her support to bring the district of Bo­gor into more orderly and civilized.

Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

When she attended the Dialogue at RRI Bogor (26/4/2016) at Studio Taman RRI Bogor, Nuhayanti stated that gender equality is now no longer something that needs to be debated. Education is the es­sential thing that should be increased and in addition. “Education, health, and animo of consumer purchasing is the main thing, and the success of regional development can be seen from these three things,” said Nurhayanti at the dialogue to commemo­rate Kartini Day.

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Nurhayanti is very active visiting the community in the remote areas in Bogor Regency added, “that Kartini’s struggle has managed to inspire the Indonesian women”. Like most Indonesian wom­en who do their career outside home, Nurhayanti reminded that “We should be proud to be part of the women of today, but also must not forget our nature as a woman who has a gait in various fields, we must be united and hopefully this to­getherness we created shall become our strength to form the character of the chil­dren of this nation, “said the regent who was wearing a long tosca robe, accompa­nied by the host, Head of LPP RRI Bogor, Dra Ni Made Sri Wedari, MM., Chief BP­PKB Bogor, Chairman P2TP2A and PKK, as well as other invited guests on that oc­casion.

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Meanwhile, Head of Broadcast RRI Bo­gor, Meity hoped that the Regent can give the motivation and encouragement to the woman in Bogor to be treated equally with the man in the context of education and career, but she also can not be separated from her nature as a mother and host of home, so Indonesian women should be supported with good management capa­bilities in order that what she does is bal­anced and maximum.
