C360_2016-04-05-19-02-30-747Indonesian is a melting pot of cuisine from its neighbor lands like those from China and India. It seems far away in other part of Asia, but our feeling is so close by gastric. Food and its elements are the form how human can elaborate the reci­pes from other part into their own taste and creating a new flavor without leaving the original of one or two of its ingredient due to the geographical reason of each land and later to suit local taste and conditions.

Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

Indonesian-Dutch chow-chow is a mixed pickle original from East Indies (read: Indo­nesia) and traveled around the world thanks to the ship crews.

In Indonesia, we call pickle as Acar and Acar is to balancing the rich flavor of meat or fish and stimulate the appetite of someone who do not have the mood of eating. Acar is still popular among the Indonesian and Dutch. Both people can accept the recipe from Indonesia eventhough often use the tropical ingredients that are not common in European meal, such as the use of candle nuts and lemon grass, but mostly both coun­tries use vegetables like cabbage, carrots, beans-sprout, green beans and also cauli­flower. People agree to make vary according to what is available in their fridge of market.

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Acar campur or mixed pickle is always with mustard that will give the brilliant yel­low for all the vegetables and sauce. Since In­donesia has natural color for making the veg­etables goes to yellow, thus fresh turmeric is prefered to include. Acar Campur is a sweet pickle with amount of sugar varies from a tablespoon to 5 tablespoon.

Acar campur is similar to Asinan but this kind of acculturated Chinese-Indonesian pickle use limited seasoning only like gar­lic, vinegar, sugar, and salt. The resulting of Sweet Asinan is more clean while the Spicy one using red pungent is served to those who are chili lovers.

As you may aware Asinan or Indone­sian pickle is a kind of food made by salting and pickling the vegetable or fruits in vine­gar, sugar and salt. Asinan is one of typical dishes of the Indonesian Culinary Arts. The term refers to the process of pickling salt to soak the vegetable or fruit in a mixed of wa­ter and salt. There are many kind of Asinan, but the most favored are Asinan Bogor and Asinan Jakarta. The forerunner of Asinan Bogor is the Chinese-Indonesian residing at Gedong Dalam and they have been doing this culinary business since 30 years ago. I am one of this local pickle lovers and love so much to its fresh fruits and vegetables the chef made and presented to their loyal and new customers. I am really fascinated by the way they are presented, the flavor comes naturally the first thing before the presen­tation and serving.

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Write this healthy pickle in your local food shopping list and every­body will love to have it when you come home with both Asinan Buah (fruits) and Asinan Sayur (Vegetables) or the mix-one in your shop­ping bag.
