Untitled-18Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

Ayam Cemani or Ce­mani Chicken are the most rare chicken breed in the world. Truly unique from Head to Toe. All are completely black; cob, tongue, skin, muscle, bone, or­gans and feathers. This is what we call as hyperpigmentation (Fibromelanosis).

Native from Central Java, Indonesia, Cemani are also linked to mystical powers and are often used in medicine and in sacrificial rituals to bring good luck and fortune.

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In the early 19th century, Dutch traders brought this exotic avian to the Interna­tional market and the breed become very popular . Then Dutch breeder, Jan Steverink first imported it into Europe in 1998 and there are stocks that are currently kept in The Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The roosters weigh 2–2.5 kg and the hens from 1.5–2 kg. The hens are non-roosting and produce 60-80 white eggs with a slight pink tint per year and each egg weigh an an average of 45 gram.
