Tempura-Chicken-NuggetsNia S. Amira
[email protected]

It’s time to get back with healthy and nutritious foods, especially for children who have started their school after a long holiday feast and consumed fat food that came from pastries, chocolate and food with coconut milk.

Indonesian Culinary is rich in various types of mouthwatering food. There are many food typical of the archipelago that can be encoun­tered in almost every corner of the city Malls or in other big cities, such as Coto Banjar, Soto Kudus, Kebuli Rice, even Gudeg Yogya also can be found in many shop­p i n g centers in Jakarta.

In addition to the archipelago’s culinary, there are many variants of food from several countries that have been processed and adapted to the Indonesian’s tongue. Likewise, many local entrepreneurs are able to make variants of food and drinks from originally from the west to meet the local market is now widely selling processed meats and healthy beverages products that are having many lovers from children and fam­ily.

BACA JUGA :  Warga Desa Cemplang Bogor Diteror Maling, Satu Bulan 5 Kali Aksi Pencurian

Processed food and beverage is good for the health of children and family if we are aware in choosing t h e m and buy only the p u r e substance free o f M S G and artificial coloring. As conse­quence, processed food and bever­ages without preservatives can not last long even in stored in the refrig­erator. There is a limit time limit that can be tolerated in the storage in or­der to maintain the taste and quality and also healthy if consumed.

BACA JUGA :  Lokasi SIM Keliling Kota Bogor, Rabu 24 April 2024

Sausages and nuggets are not the original food of Indonesia but now many make this food as an ad­ditional menu, even it has become a favorite food of most Indonesian people and many are making sau­sages and nuggets as snacks. Sau­sage flavor is savory and delicious and is certainly no doubt about it, as well as rich in nutrients. There are many variants of sausage in terms of both taste and size and the bal­ance of nutrients, one serving of chewy sausage can give you an energy boost in the morn­ing at our breakfast.
