BOGOR-TODAY.COM, DEPOK – The 1077 Electric Rail Train (KRL) for the Bogor-Jakarta Kota route was disturbed because it collided with a car between the Citayam-Depok Station downstream line. As a result, other passengers on the KRL carriage had to be evacuated because they could not continue their journey.

“KA 1077 (Bogor-Jakarta Kota) was tempered by a car between the downstream Citayam-Depok Station, the train is currently still being checked. We apologize for the inconvenience,” quoting the Twitter account @CommuterLine, Wednesday (20/4/2022).

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KAI asked all passengers to follow the officers’ directions. Including passengers on KA 1079 who will be evacuated so they can continue their journey.

“Further information, KA 1079 (Bogor-Jakarta Kota) runs on the left line between Citayam-Depok Station and is currently in the process of evacuating passengers. We urge all passengers to continue to follow the officer’s directions. Sorry for the inconvenience,” wrote @CommuterLine.

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Until this news was written, the cause of the accident and the victims in this incident are not yet known. (*)

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