Buddha-Pelataran-Sembanyang-1Nia S. Amira
[email protected]

In the middle of the heat stung in Jakarta, Buddhists conduct­ing solemn prayers on Vesak Day 2560 Buddhist Era (BE) / 2016 at Vihara Mahavira Graha Cen­tre, Jalan Lodan, North Jakarta, Sun­day, May 22, 2016.

Buddhists come from various regions in Jabodetabek and some even come from Java and Sumatra to perform their ritual worship. This ritual is believed to be in order to get peace and prosperity, and peace.

As presented by Chaokun Hui Siong Mahayanaka, leader and founder of the Buddhist said to his followers that Vihara Mahavira is the commemoration of Vesak and is a moment for humankind to re-learn from the Great Master Sakyamuni Buddha. Life always begins with the birth, life filled with things that are useful and ends with death by trying to always achieve the best life.

BACA JUGA :  Menu Sederhana dengan Tumis Ayam dan Wortel yang Lezat dan Praktis

“Moment of Vesak also invites in­dividuals to re-train theirself with pa­tience and not affected by the envi­ronment. We must be open to learn from anyone who has the advantages that we do not have, thus there will be more things that we can learn to improve ourselves, “as emphasized by Chaokun Hui Siong Mahayanaka of his important messages.

Vesak celebration has been rec­ognized by the United Nations, in this case was under UNESCO since 1999 and this year entered its 13th year celebration, while the gather­ing Vesak celebration on an inter­national scale were celebrated to­gether in Bangkok in 2004 for the first time.

BACA JUGA :  7 Manfaat Seledri Untuk Kesehatan, yang Terakhir Dicari-cari

Advances in technology infor­mation technology and the ease of access in a matter of seconds so that it becomes more value in this era of globalization. Changes of character who always want to become an in­stant resulting negative impact on the individual’s personality. People are increasingly becoming impa­tient and lose their brain in dealing with life’s problems so that the prob­lems were still encountered and are not solved finally completed.
