Who is this Buddha’s the wise leader? Siddharta Gautama was born with the name Siddhartha Gautama which in Sanskrit written as Siddhattha Gotama and in Pali language means “descendant of Gotama with the goal is reached”.

The father of Prince Siddhartha Gautama wass His Majesty King Sud­dhodana of the Sakya tribe and his mother was Queen Mahamaya who died seven days after she delivered this charming Prince.

At the time when Buddha was born, two small stream falling from the sky, one cold and the other warm. The flow of the small stream washing Siddhartha’s body. Then, Siddhartha was born in a clean way without stain, stood upright and walked directly to the north, and the places his foot stepped on were overgrown with lotus flowers.

BACA JUGA :  Minum Air Jahe Setiap Hari, Apa Sih Manfaatnya? Simak Ini

At the age of 7, Prince Siddhartha had 3 lily ponds which are blue lotus pond (Uppala), red lotus pond, and the last color was red (Paduma) and a white lotus (Pundarika).

Siddharta Gautama became Bud­dha meaning that someone has been enlightened. Siddharta Gautama, also known as Shakyamuni or wise man of the Sakya and as Tathagata. Siddhartha Gautama was a spiritual teacher from the northeastern re­gion of India which is also the found­er of Buddhism in some local friends in Italy.

The word Vesak means moon ac­cording to the meaning in India, Ve­sak is the month of birth and death of the Buddha and the month of Vesak is the brightest month of the year. Calculation of the Buddhist Era (BE) was calculated from when Bud­dha died and did not follow any re­ligious. Siddharta Gautama himself was born in 623 BE BC.

BACA JUGA :  Kecelakaan Truk Tronton Tabrak Toko-Rumah Warga Jepang Kudus, Diduga Rem Blong

May the peace of the world is maintained, the nation’s leaders were able to run the trust of their people. Hopefully the season is on time, the State of Indonesia is always prosperous forever. May all living beings are happy.

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