B8---11062016-ArtNia S. Amira
[email protected]

Ever experienced one of those rare moments when the sound of the adhan re­ally touches you? The words of the caller to Salah (Shalat) rever­berate inside your heart, it seems, and the goosebumps pop out on your skin. Such is the beauty of the adhan, that you may shed tears out of love and you fear of Allah SWT.

Most of times, however, espe­cially for those living in Muslim-majority countries, the adhan be­comes something that is taken for granted. You may hear the call for prayer and respond too without re­ally realizing it.

How amazing it is then to find out that we as humans are not the only ones listening to the adhan! Unlike many Muslims who do not respond to the adhan by performing Salah (Shalat), the flora and faune do turn to their creator, in their own special ways. When you see the video of the “Adhan flower”, it will remind you of what the verses writ­ten in holy Qur’an: “The whole uni­verse, even the trees and animals, is glorifying Allah SWT, only man is oblivious.”SubhaanAllah!”

Do we really need to see mira­cles? It may possibly, in order to pu­rify and strengthen our faith. May be we do, but Islamd is based on faith (believe in unseen) and I really want to just do something good that will make Allah happy with us.

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If we see God’s miracles, this is the things that we must believe in him and worship. After all Islam’s glory lies in faith.

I also very strongly believe that miracles are all around and we just need to realize and identify it. The holy Qur’an is the greatest miracle of Allah sent for humans. The nature, the life, mornings, sunsets, rain, a child’s birth, oceans, mountains, wa­terfalls are all great miracles.

Adhan is a sign for Muslims to fulfill their religious service. Adhan is the call for Muslims to perform their prayers immediately. As we know, in a day call to prayer hap­pens five times a call. The call to prayer is believed to provide ben­efits not only for humans, but also to the nature. In connection with this sentence, there is a surprising phenomenon of nature and the call to prayer, Adhan.

This shocking story came from Azerbaijan, a country that was part of Soviet Union and is located in the Caucasus region. It was several years ago when people got shocked after hearing the flower blooms as much as the sound of adhan that was rever­berated.

Flower blooms when the sound of adhan reverberated. At the first glance there was nothing special about this flower. It just closes with­out blooms. However, the closed bud will bloom out like roses when adzan reverberated. This beautiful yellow looks like Alamanda makes it pretty shy at the time flowering process.

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This phenomenon was spread out and heard by western media which was finally figuring out wheth­er the interest is really there. CNN became one of them, which inter­viewed the owner of this flower. Te pretty plant is classified in Evening Primrose of Oenothera genus, kind of roses species. CNN sent a team to report on this subject verifying the truthfulness of this adhan flower phenomenon. The flower blooms at the exact time of each of the 5 prayers (evening, days, or night), as indicated in the report. Glory to Al­lah, the greatest.

The point is very valid, Allah SWT sends us reminders in so many different ways. Perhaps this adhan flower is one example of a reminder for Salah (Shalat), especially if it re­ally is what has happened in Azer­baijan! I wonder how many such re­minders I pass by in my daily life too. Subhanallah.

I pray to Allah who guides us all to the good path that is most beloved to Him.

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