B87-07-062016-ArtNia S. Amira
[email protected]

For the first time Keroncong art­ists who live in Bogor should be proud with the event of Bogor International Keroncong Festival that was held at RRI Bogor, Saturday, June 4, 2016. The event was initiated by Insan Keroncong Indonesia (IKON) and Bogor city administration can be fairly said suc­cessful and attended by keroncong artists from various regions, even some keron­cong singers from Singapore.

This keroncong event as to complete the anniversary of Bogor and final with a parade around the city on Sunday, June 5, 2016. The event starts from noon until 9 pm and about 30s singers participated in the event from seniors to young singers who are still attending school and also stu­dents from Universities. Two groups per­formed enliven the event, among others were from Tasikmalaya, OK Braja Mustika lead by Nunu H, and OK Kemala Puspita of Bogor, with Suyitno as the leader. The sing­ers featuring keroncong songs very lilting, even the young singers sung western pop songs in keroncong rhythm. They came from Bandung, Tasikmalaya, Jakarta, Bo­gor, Lampung, as well as from Singapore.

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Suyitno, the organizer said that the event was planned to enliven the anniver­sary of Bogor. “It was conceived long time and therefore, together with RRI Bogor and Bogor city administration wanted to perform the best in this International Ker­oncong Festival. Although the municipal government officials were busy celebrat­ing the city’s anniversary, but still spent their time to attend the first event ever in Bogor. Head of Tourism has been present since the morning, then in the afternoon, Deputy Mayor came and even took time to sing 2 songs. It is proof that keroncong also still able to attract the attention of many parties, “said Suyitno who also leads OK Kemala Puspita.
