A9-20-8-2016-ART-revisiMy new friend, Wardha Wangpakdee who is origin of Bangkok invited me to taste several snacks and food sold at Bangkapi street near by Rama Road 9, an area where most Thai muslim reside.

Thai muslim are able to speak and write in Ma­lay due to their close geography and his­tory with Malaysia, and giving the easy way to communicate with Indonesian who by acci­dent visit to Thailand shall not get the problem to understand orally.

I talked to Wardha who also has place in Cape Town, South Africa that Indonesian loves very much of fruit salad, espe­cially in the hottest weather.

BACA JUGA :  Sedang Bongkar Rumah, 2 Pekerja di Yogyakarta Tertimpa Bangunan, 1 Orang Tewas

Wardha directly took my hand to a local restaurant, big enough. This seafood restau­rant alsi serves Thai fruit salad which is similar to the Indone­sian Rujak.

Fruit Salad in Thailand is called Som Tam, it con­tains various of ingredients. Garlic and small green chili were pounded roughly, then poured with frozen sugar, liquid fish flavor, fresh lemon juice and mixed. Put fresh to­mato, green long beans, shred­ded papaya, peanuts, salt and then mix together.

At last, put salty egg and dried shrimp. Som Tam is ready to serve.

BACA JUGA :  Pemuda di Brebes Tewas Tenggelam di Sungai Nipon, Diduga Tak Bisa Berenang

Wardha ordered 2 plates of Som Tam prepared by a young man in feminin gesture. I tast­ed my fruit salad, it has spicy and sour tasty and very tasty, giving you a fresh and good appetite under the heat stung that day in Bangkok, that reached 38 celcius.

Som Tam can be served as the starter before you go fur­ther with fresh Tom Yam soup, boiled shrimp in medium size and stirred Javanese spinach in fish fla­vor sauce….yummy.


Bagi Halaman